6689 The Irish Sword. The Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland
Volume XX. Number 80. Winter 1996. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Blaze away and stand to it boys': Captain Jack Donovan and the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg by Kevin O'Brien 121
Between the lines, 1861 130
Ireland’s Protestant militia 1715-76: a military assessment by Neal Garnham 131
Colonel John Michelburne by Piers Wauchope 137
The Batavian Republic and Ireland, 1797 by C.J.M. Kramers 145
‘Hibernia officina militum': Irish recruitment to the British regular army, 1660-1815 by Terence Denman 148
Was Ireland a factor in German foreign policy during the July crisis 1914? by Andreas Roth 167
‘Teaching the world to fly': R.R. Smith-Barry by Richard Hawkins 174
Notes 184
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